Jet Set as a great starter


Jet Set is a great tool to give you experience at styling in addition to the bonus of $500 when you unlock the next destination. Unlocking destinations is easy at first however, unlocking the next destination becomes increasingly more difficult as you climb.

Consequently, DO NOT spend your time, energy and money on Jet Set. If you can do them without spending money they are great to help you become a better stylist.

I found myself spending a lot of energy and $$MONEY$$ trying to unlock the next destination. Because of that, my Limited Time challenges were suffering. I would only do the daily and $100 challenges because I thought I couldn’t afford to do the $200 challenges. That was actually true because I was spending most of my money on Jet Set.

Although purchases increase your closet value you do not receive prizes for scores in Jet Set challenges like you do in the Limited Time challenges. Prizes increase your closet value faster than purchases do and they don't cost you anything.

Consequently, I never even considered trying for the Styling Sprees. 

When I changed my focus to time Limited Time challenges ONLY, I started leveling up every 10 days!

Happy Coveting!  


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